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My 2014 Lunacon Schedule

Lunacon is one of the oldest literary science fiction conventions in the United States. The 2014 convention is the weekend of March 14th, and I will once again be one of the guest panelists! The Guest of Honor this year is Ryk E. Spoor who just read my upcoming novel BLOODSUCKERS and gave me a wonderful blurb for the cover! logo_lunacon

Here’s my schedule:

The Biggest Mistakes New Authors Make (Friday 5:30 pm): From poor openings to uninteresting characters to cliched plots, this panel will discuss the most common storytelling mistakes seen from new authors. With Ken Altabef, April Grey, Mercurio Rivera, Ryk Spoor, and Ian Randal Strock.

Meet the Pros (Friday 8:00 pm): A time when you can hang out with all the guests and have a drink or two.

Rules? Rules? There are no Rules! (Friday 10:00 pm): When writing fiction, if it works, it works. Our panel debates whether authors need to know “rules” that they can then break if they are good enough, or if this only constrains creativity. With Keith R. A. DeCandido, Michael F. Flynn, William Freedom, and Kate Paulk.

Introduction to LARP (Saturday 10:00 am): What exactly is a LARP? What kinds are there? How can I find one? These questions and more will be answered in this panel introducing the wide world of Live Action Role Play. With Devon Oratz.

New Writer Workshop (Saturday 11:00 am): If you have never been to a writers workshop, if you have never (or rarely) participated in a writer’s group, if you’ve never been published, this is a good workshop to start your Lunacon experience. With Sarah Avery.

The Future of Privacy (Saturday 1:00 pm): Our concepts of privacy are changing daily and mostly due to technology. What will the future hold? With Ellen Asher, Seth Breidbart, and Matthew Kressel.

If I Am Ever The … (Saturday 5:00 pm): If I Am Ever the (Evil Overlord, the Hero, the Sidekick, the Love Interest, The Galactic Emperor…) Pick a “character type.” The moderator will state a scenario, and you answer in the character, of what you would do… With Susan de Guardiola, Esther Friesner, Chuck Rothman, and Ryk Spoor.

The Eye of Argon (Saturday 11:00 pm): Our brave panelists read the worst fantasy story ever written, mistakes and all, and if they laugh or read it incorrectly, they are forced to act out the story. Just try not to fall over laughing! With Keith R.A. DeCandido, Daniel Kimmel, and Ryk Spoor.

Reading (Sunday 10 am): I’ll be reading from my latest work for anyone who shows up. Plus there will be cookies.

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