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Monkeying Around (for a good cause)

Fellow writer C.J. Henderson needs our help to pay his medical expenses for his cancer treatments, and you can not only help, but get some great stories in return.

There is a kickstarter program going on now that will get you a great new collection of stories, and if enough money is raised, the collection will be increased to include more authors (including me!)

CJ goofs off with me and Peter Prellwitz at Ravencon last year

CJ goofs off with me and Peter Prellwitz at Ravencon last year

Here is the list of authors already in the book: Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, Maggie Allen, Jack Dann, Ed Greenwood, Joe Haldeman, Nancy and Belle Holder, Tanya Huff, Gail Martin, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Jean Rabe, Mike Resnik, Hildy Silverman, Janine Spendlove, Michael A. Stackpole, Anton Strout, Kelly Swails, Robert E. Vardeman, Elizabeth A. Vaughan, Bryan Young, Jean Marie Ward, Gene Wolfe, and Timothy Zahn. And, of course, CJ Henderson.

If enough money is raised, the following authors can be added:

Aaron Rosenberg, Alan M. Clark, Allan Gilbreath, Alma Alexander, Tera Fulbright, Cynthia Ward, Davey Beauchamp, Dylan Birtolo, James Chambers, Jeff Young, Jennifer Brozek, John Hartness, Maxwell Alexander Drake, John L. French, Jonathan Maberry, Keith DeCandido, KT Pinto, Misty Massey, Patrick Thomas, Peter Prellwitz, Sheryl Nantus, Stuart Jaffe, David B. Coe, Vicki Steger, Mike McPhail, and me!

So click here to read about what you can get if you donate.

(Please note how well restrained I am being about how terrible it is that in the greatest, richest country on earth we have to beg to help people pay medical bills. You can read my rants about health care on my political blog, though.)

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